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Christian School Administrators and Educators

Faith Based Life Choices Curriculum for High School Students

Our DCO Faith Based Life Choices curriculum provides your students a sex education course that is engaging, relevant and 100% biblically aligned. The concepts and spiritual values of sexual integrity, personal worth and respect for others with optimal health, life success and relational wholeness is the focus of this classroom delivered educational instruction for Christian school students. We want to see your students discipled in God’s truth to combat the confusing and culturally dangerous issues facing youth today. Sexuality and gender confusion results when there is no understanding of the Genesis order and design of both Creation and mankind. God designed us in His image, for His purpose. When youth understand the beauty of God’s plan, they will impact their generation and the culture with truth.

Course curriculum

The curriculum consists of up to 5 hours of teaching content, videos, application, and discussions. The content is based on truth from Scripture, medicine, science and integrates well in a health education, Bible class or other related course subject. The Powerpoint slides include script notes to guide the teacher in delivering the material effectively. A complete Source list is provided for all content used in the curriculum.

Join Us

We want to see your students discipled in God’s truth in order to combat the confusing and culturally dangerous issues facing youth today